Grand Versant is a brand of Vignerons de Guîtres
Company name: Vignerons de Guîtres SARL
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Publishing Manager : Christine HARB
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The present website is property of the company VIGNERONS DE GUÎTRES SARL.
The purpose of the present website is to provide information on the activities and services of the company Vignerons de Guîtres SARL.
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Seductive and generous, this wine is dedicated to the pleasures of the senses.
An invitation to taste
Sparkling wines deserve more than ever their letters of nobility, to convince you, taste “Grand Versant ” and learn to discover them… The nose is subtle and fruity. The balance combines gourmet roundness and freshness. Its effervescence is fine and persistent. Grand Versant can be enjoyed at any time of day.
An original wine with a subtle sweetness and a gourmet taste that will seduce you.
A seductive, soft and silky wine that will charm you with its freshness.
Les vins pétillants méritent plus que jamais leurs lettres de noblesse, pour vous convaincre, dégustez « Grand Versant » et apprenez à les découvrir… Le nez est subtil et fruité. L’équilibre conjugue rondeur gourmande et folie fraicheur. Son effervescence est fine et persistante. « Grand Versant » s’offre à tout moment de la journée.
Un vin original à la sucrosité subtile et une bouche gourmande qui vous séduira.
Séduisant et généreux, ce vin est dédié aux plaisirs des sens.
Une invitation à la dégustation
Un vin de séduction, doux et soyeux qui saura vous charmer par sa fraicheur.
It sparkles, a mix of subtlety and creativity, a balance between brightness, fruitiness and the tickling of the bubbles. A composition that will revive your emotions.
This creation is the culmination of mastered know-how for obtaining an original and exclusive wine, with a perfect balance of flavors and a beautiful aromatic persistence. The fine bubbles sparkle and release sweet aromas of fresh fruit. Delicate and refreshing, it will open your taste buds to unforgettable flavors … « A work of art to be savored …»