Wine Photo

A wine is invented and revealed
by skilful dosages and a lot of passion. The GRAND VERSANT adventure is a delicate combination of wines from the European Community, to extract its typical tones, its subtle flavors, and all its freshness.
Each cuvée is delicately
selected and dosed, to create a quality gourmet wine.

GRAND VERSANT is a creation of Vignerons de Guitres, a dynamic house, proud of its history yet future-oriented. Its strength lies in mastering each step, from design to sale, from wine selection to tasting, right to its place on your table.

Essential wines from the "Pleasure" range

We combine flavors and tastes to achieve harmony between food and wine. If you pair a wine with a dish, you have to think about balance. To do this, it is necessary to respect the intensities. The dish should therefore not take precedence over the wine and vice versa.


Wine is a complement to the magic of the moment, it must sublimate your meals, it opens the door to discussions and exchange. Give free rein to your ideas, take risks, experiment!

Serve the wine from the youngest to the oldest, from the lightest to the most robust

Serve the wine from the coolest to the most temperate

Serve dry whites before reds from dry to soft

wine by the lake
GRAND VERSANT is the fruit of inspiration and passion… Its flavors and style provoke emotions around the world. You can savor the range of wines and sparkling wines in more than 30 countries.

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