Grand Versant is a brand of VIGNERONS DE GUÎTRES, which is committed to ensure that data collection and processing made from the website comply with the General regulations on the protection of data (RGPD) and to the law on Computing and Freedom.

Data and final processing of data

Form of data entry (contact, quote request, recruitment, etc.) in relation with our customer service.Management and monitoring of commercial relations (namely to contact you, answer to your demands and questions, sending you the quote you asked for, etc.)
Subscription to the newsletterSending you our newsletter (information about our products, our industry, best deals, promotions, new products etc.) You can at any time unsubscribe from it with the link located at the bottom of the newsletter.
Subscription to the client accountManagement and monitoring of commercial relations (namely operations relative to orders, delivery and returns, transactions, payments and invoices, complaints, etc)
Social media (Sharing button, playing the video etc.)Being able to get access to the different third-party websites and executing demands.
Navigating the website (consultation of articles, pages, placing items in the cart)Customization of website content, display of targeted advertising on social media, preparation of statistics of audience measurement and marketing studies.
Resale of information (mailing list)Conveying your details to our partners with offers you are likely to appreciate.

Duration of data retention

13 months

Right of access, of rectification, deletion, and opposition on the processing of data

You have a right of access, of rectification, and opposition for the legitimate reason of your personal information, and the possibility of opposing to the processing of your data for prospection and commercial purposes. You can exercise your rights at any moment by contacting our Customer Service :

On this  form

By post at the following address:



By phone at the following number: 05 57 56 40 90

Or by writing an email to the following e-mail address :

Or via the link to unsubscribe located at the bottom of each e-mail sent by Vigneron de Guîtres.

In accordance with the law of Computing and Freedom, these rights to access, to rectify and to oppose have to be made by post or by email with the signature of the author it is stemming from and need to be accompanied by the copy of the identity card displaying the signature of the person exercising that right.

In case of problems encountered, you can contact the Customer Service of Vigneron de Guîtres, of which the details are mentioned above.

Policy of cookies use

When consulting our website, cookies are dropped in your computer, mobile or tablet.


A cookie is a small file dropped on your desktop, when visiting a website. Cookies are generated by your search engine.

Site Analytics cookies

This website uses cookies for audience measurement purposes. These are cookies allowing us to monitor the use and performance of our website and improving its functioning.

These are Google Analytics cookies.

Click here to oppose to cookies from Google allowing to measure audience.

Configuration of your Internet browser

You can choose to deactivate these cookies at any time. Your browser can also be configured to let you know if cookies are dropped on your desktop and to ask you whether you want to accept them or not. You can either accept or refuse cookies one by one or refuse them systematically once and for all.

Here is how you can control or stop the recording of cookies :

1/ Internet Explorer

Click on the “Tools” button, then on “Internet options”

Under the window “General” , under “Browsing history”, click on “Parameters”

Click on the button “Display the files”

Click on the heanding of the Name Column in order to sort files in alphabetic order, then review the list until finding files starting with the prefix “cookie”. (all cookies possess this prefix and contain usually the name of the website that created the cookie).

Select the cookie(s) comprising the name and delete them

2/ Firefox

Click on “Tools” then “Options”

In the window displayed, choose “privacy rights” and click on “Delete specific cookies”

Find the files containing the name “” . Select them and delete them.

3/ Safari browser

In your browser, choose the menu Preferences > Confidentiality

Click on “details”

Select the cookies containing the name and click on “Delete” or “Delete all”

After deleting the cookies, Click on “Finish”

4/ Google Chrome

Click on “Parameters”

In “Confidentiality”, click on “Content parameters”

Click on Cookies and website data

Find the files containing the name . Select them and delete them.

Click on “ok” to go back to the browser

More information on the website of the CNIL

On the website of the CNIL :